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  • Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms Research with Canadian Health Care Mall

    Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms Research with Canadian Health Care Mall

    Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

    Hard saddle and intense cycling can cause impotence problems

    Several studies indicate that much cycling can lead to impotence. Some researchers estimate that five percent of men who cycle intensely suffer from erection problems.

    Canadian Health Care Mall consulted The Journal of Sexual Medicine that has published a compilation of a number of research showing that persistent cycling can lead to numbness in the genital and – at worst – to erection problems.impotence problems

    The most common patients that provide evidence for the connection between erectile dysfunction and cycling are those who train for and take part in long distance races. This is not an altogether new fact, since men with predominantly sedentary lifestyles are a risk group for developing problems in sexual health.

    Problems persisting for several months

    In a survey among Norwegian racers after the race stated just over a tenth of the men suffered from impotence afterward. In some occasional problems lasted for more than three months.

    It happens in men’s case that the blood supply to the penis during cycling, strangled by as much as 80 percent. It affects the nerves, which can cause loss of sensation, and erectile function. It should be said, however, that women may have several problems, but research has mostly focused on men.

    Federal doctor Ann Hemling believes, however, that the problem mainly affects the slightly more inexperienced riders. But in any case, problems, as well as causes and solutions usually are pretty simple.

    ‘The most common error is that the saddle is too harsh in any way, non-physiological sitting position, a large frame or excessive frame, or excessive height of the rider. But a pretty stiff saddle is still the most common problem, unfortunately,’ says the doctor.

    ‘Take complaints seriously’

    Ulrich Breight is chief physician at the Andrology center at Royal Caroline Institute Hospital. His advice is take small troubles such as numbness seriously.

    ‘It’s great to exercise and great to ride. But it happens so that when the penis goes numb, it leads to problems with erection. You should be aware that it may become permanently damaged by this type of exercise when it continues in conditions that are less than perfect,’ says Dr Breight.

    Canadian Health Care Mall specialists recommend making your cycling conditions are reasonable and correspond to the physiological needs of your body. Do not neglect troublesome symptoms. The sooner you let your physiologist know about them, the better your chances at therapy will be.

    Canadian Health Care Mall offers impotence meds and male enhancements shipped internationally for affordable prices around the clock.