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  • Treatment by Plants

    There are plants that treat the most dangerous and hardly treated diseases. One, who does not know them, suffers. Therefore, we say that people suffer because of their ignorance. Study plants and their healing properties.

    There are herbs that replace even the most prominent surgeons – only if you know which they are and how to apply them, you will be able to help yourself.treatment

    Explore the magical power of plants. They have huge hidden powers. You may treat yourself through their leaves, roots, flowers, but if you do not understand them, they cause misfortunes against their will. It is enough you to begin to sweat and to lie down close to the roots of a plant or a tree, e.g. a nut tree, to see what there is in plants. They love water and by pulling out water they also pull out juices of life. Never fall asleep in the shade of a tree. It is not a problem if the shadow is dapple.

    In May and June, on beautiful sunny days, early in the morning gather herbs, dry them, and then put them in glass jars, covered, to stay a little more under the sun. A little tiny leaf of grass or a flower, if needed, is the best doctors.

    Take a little yarrow, drink a little and your cough will go away. Summer time you all shall gather yarrow. There shall be yarrow at each home – white and yellow yarrow, and one that cannot be treated by his will to drink these herbs. You shall also have blue gentian. Gather from it. They are magnetic plants that help. Gather some thyme, green leaves of strawberries. They are also healing. Gather small camomile. You will have a whole pharmacy of glass vessels. And these leaves and flowers, when you put them in vessels with covers, put them in the sun to bake, to take some more energy from the Sun. Do not put them in humid places.

    www.canadianhealthcaremalll.com – main page Pharmacy in Canada.

    It is enough to take colt’s foot and you will rejuvenate. But you shall know on what day of the year to take it, whether when it blooms and, in general, during which month of the year. In my opinion, it is best to take it when positive powers in it balance. One must come upon that moment when the colt’s foot is in the state of self-satisfaction and ready to give, to help. This also concerns all other plants. Then one should go out early in the morning or at sunrise, when the sky without a single cloud. If there is even a small cloud, the medicine spoils. If you obey all these conditions, these moments, then you will pick one flower and put it in a glass vessel. If you know this art, when to pick that flower, you will experience a big thrill when you get close to the colt’s foot, because it will rejuvenate you and happiness will come to you. In the morning, at sunrise, you will pick the flower and put it in a glass vessel. I agree with you that it is hard for people to come upon exactly such a combination, such a day. The day must not be hazy. There will come a day when this knowledge will be reached, but this can only be achieved through Love. Love is to be penetrated in man and rule him. I mean the sublime Love. The aim of the Sublime Divine Love is to restore the juvenile state of the entire mankind.